Edgy Murphy III: Edgy Murphy can't play with you (play with you)

Hello this is Egdy Murhpy and this is the story of the time where I got flipped up in the big house yes me. It was the summer of 1968791806, I was in the S.S Grease Monkey and I was sexually frustrated all day. So I wen't to the bar and they told be to get turnt so I raped them 8^).
So I went Krab Krab Krab Krab Krab Krab Krab but had heart attack and died. Then Suddenly I hate a Chicken Nugget from Butthole King because McDickles exploded because too many obese orphans.
When I got home I saw Cliche.mp5 (MP3 2 MAINSTREAAAAM) and he wanted me to play with it so I said "I can't play with you (play with you) and he he cried and said yes I said no he said yes I said no he said yes I said no he said yes I said no I said no he said yes I said no I said no he said yes I said no I said no he said yes I said no and he died.
So I wen't outside and I got nuked but before I died I said
EdgyMurphy69: Take me to the bone train
''NUKE IT FROM ORBIT is now Away''
So I cried then I came back to life then I sang a song "SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA ROLL M-" Then i got interuppted.
"What are you doing" the Obese orphan said
"it's macCARONI TIIIIIiIIiIiiIIiIIMe!!!!!!!1!!!" I said in a earraeping loud tone
As I lunge foward to the Child he exposed his Psyriasus and I disinigrated from the sight of the Diseize.
So here I am, laying in a void of Tampons and blood. I guess this is it for old EdgyMurphy69.
.......OR IS IT?